August 21, 2017

10 Things You Need to Do for Yourself

I originally wrote this post just after Christmas, when many of us were thinking about making New Years Resolutions. But the ideas below can be done at any time, not just at the start of a new year, and they aren't difficult at all. Here's to you! Enjoy...
1. It might sound cliché, but you need to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Smile at yourself in the mirror, give yourself a compliment, treat yourself to a glass of wine in a bubble bath, have a massage, whatever makes you feel relaxed and appreciated. Also – recognise when you are tired and get an early night! Sleep is an underrated cure for low moods. 
2. Be kind to others. Smile at a stranger, hold open a door, help someone with something and expect nothing in return, donate to charity…You might be surprised at how a random act of kindness can lift your spirits! 
3. Save some money. Putting a sum of money away on a regular basis is something we should all try to do, even on a meagre salary. It’s important to have a little put away, and it’s good for your self-esteem. You could have a look at the Wealth Chef if you are interested in finding out more about this. 
4. Let go of the things you can’t change and concentrate on the things you can. Like the old adage says ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference’. 
5. Really listen when someone is talking to you. We are all guilty of just listening so that we can take our turn to speak, and interrupting when we think of something we want to say. If we take the time to listen, and let go of anything we can’t hold in our head without interrupting, we might just hear something really interesting… 
6. Recognise that every problem you have is your responsibility. Even if someone else has ‘caused’ the problem, if it is bothering you, it’s your responsibility to deal with it. This should feel empowering – knowing that if you can change your response to something means that you can do it for others. 
7. Take the time every day to recognise the beauty that is all around you. Just be still for 2 minutes and look around you. There is beauty to be seen and heard all around us; wherever we are. 
8. Get organised! File bills away as soon as you get them; put your events in your calendar – even yearly ones like when your MOT is due; and put things away after you have used them. This leads to more organised thought processes and more time to spend doing the things you want to do… 
9. Set short term and long term goals for yourself, taking you in the direction you want to go. Every 3 months you can review your progress; cross off the things you have achieved and set yourself some more. Keep moving forward, towards your ultimate dreams. 
10. Express gratitude for the good things in your life. You may not have everything you want yet, but you have lots to be grateful for. You might even want to keep a gratitude diary, or go through everything you are grateful for in your head before you fall asleep and when you wake up. This is great for promoting a more positive mind-set.
As usual, feel free to contact me if you could do with a helping hand!

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Rachael Blackmore

Rachael Blackmore is a qualified counsellor and relationship therapist. She focuses on helping you explore yourself and your patterns of behavior in order to find successful, committed relationship with a partner who deserves you! She provides support for men and women searching for The One and wondering why they haven't found them yet.

Rachael believes in the power of relationship: she will build a relationship with you where trust and acceptance facilitate open communication about the things that are troubling you. She is  passionate about her work and committed to helping you explore your difficult feelings and experiences to find a way to feel better and experience life differently. With a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling, Rachael works as an integrative  therapist. This means she draws on the Person-Centred approach and  Psychodynamic theory to work collaboratively with you to improve your mental  and emotional well-being.

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